
Template Guide

What is a template?

Templates are predesigned pages that are useful in common situations.

  • The text is generallly garble (lorem ipsum)
  • The images are stock
  • Many templates employ Includes aka bbinc
  • At some point, you will not be able to publish with stock photos or text
How do I use a template?

You can select a template from the template select box.

  • Importing a template will overwrite anything in the html box
  • However, it does not save automatically.
  • To keep the template or any changes since importing it, you must save.
Content - Blvr

General Content Page - Sidebar on left

Content - Default

General Content Page - Sidebar on right.


Faq Page.

Index Page - Automatic Accordion

Directory Index Page

  • The template automatically fills out the accordion
  • The template is good for mainindexes/directories like /before/ that have subdirectories
  • Each subdirectory (for example "Entering Mexico") becomes an accordion header
  • Each subdirectory's pages (for example "Vehicle Permits") become the links within the header
  • All pages must be with in subdirectories.
Index Page - Automatic Tiles

Directory Index Page

  • The template is good for directories with no subdirectories, just pages
  • The template automatically fills out the tiles
Partners Index

Directory Index Page in the style of 'partners'

Travel Guide - Article

Travel guide article with carousel

Travel Guide - Article with location

Travel guide article with carousel and location sidebar

Travel Guide - Index

Travel guide list of articles

  • This template is to be manually filled out. However,
  • This page could also be made with Index Auto - Tiles or Includes.
Travel Guide - Map Header

Travel guide page with Map Header

  • This template uses an Include (map-hero) that requires a tag like ':beach'
4.7 274 Reviews
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Heather Limon
From logo

I have been very impressed with the help I received from the insurance. I have used them for years...

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Scott Higgins
From logo

Very knowledgeable and helpful.

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Paul Niehouse
From logo

Extremely easy to acquire a policy. Many options available. Reasonable rates.