Wrap page titles in <h1 class="display-5">
Wrap lead text (usually after title) in <p class="lead">
Wrap subheaders in <h5>
Smaller subheaders, slightly bigger than bolded text, wrap in <h6>
To add margins between elements, for example a paragraph of text, use the bootstrap classes to add more or less spacing around the element.
For example to add 1 additional unit of spacing (approximately 2.5px) to the bottom margin of an element, use the class mb-1
. Two units of spacing (approx 5px), use the class mb-2. You can add up to 5 units of spacing.
To add padding within an element. The pattern is the same above but uses "p" instead of "m"
For example wrap a paragraph that you want to put 2 units of top and bottom spacing like so:
FAQs are a little more complicated, and involve the use of the accordian set of classes.
<div class="accordians accordions-faq">
<div class="accordian">
(singular) class with accordion__head and accordion__body within
<!-- /.accordions -->
help you trace where elements start and end
<div class="accordions accordions-faq accordions-search">
Gallery lightboxes are responsive to mobile, but you will have to test to make sure the columns are even.
This is using the Bootstrap embed classes.
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